
The Beauty Blogger Tag

I have been tagged by my sister Laura over at Laura's all made up to do the beauty blogger tag so here goes...

Why did you start blogging and how long have you been blogging for?
I started blogging a few months back on my previous blog, life's little things, but then i decided to start a new blog. I began this blog last month. The reason i started created a blog in the first place was because my sister Laura created her own blog a few years back and it just seemed like so much fun.

Whose blog did you fall in love with first?
The first blog i read was my sisters of course. I hadn't really heard of any other bloggers at that point but then i began watching YouTube and discovered Zoe's and Louise's blogs which i love!

What was the first blogosphere hyped about product that you bought? Was it worth the hype?
I haven't really bought any extremely hyped about products but i did venture into Lush for the first time ever before Christmas after reading and watching s many reviews on their products. And yes it was totally worth it even if i did get a headache after being in the shop too long!

What are your five favourite things about blogging and being a Beauty Blogger?
As i am fairly new to blogging i don't really have that much to say however these are a few things i've loved so far...
1) People are so friendly and lovely and it's so nice to be involved in such a great community,
2) i really love reading through other peoples beauty and fashion blogs to get inspiration or beauty tips,
3)you get to share your honest opinion on products you have bought and help people to decide whether they would like to buy the product,
4) I really love the design and photography aspect of blogging and can't wait to learn new ways to improve my photography and design skills.

What have you learnt from being a Beauty Blogger?
From being a beauty blogger (of sorts) i have been introduced to different styles, techniques and routines regarding make-up and beauty products and have learnt a lot about how important it is to find products that suit you and not just products that everyone is raving about.

Have you changed anything since becoming a Beauty Blogger?
Since starting a blog and reading blogs i have changed the sorts of make-up/ products i used and have changed the way i apply them. I have now also got a sort of skin/beauty regime which i would never even have thought remotely important before.

What advice would you give to a Beauty Blogger just starting out?
As i am a new blogger myself i would say be yourself and write about things you enjoy,
leave comments on or follow peoples blogs,
get a bloglovin' account, this is a great way to get noticed,
and finally make sure you get your blog design how you want it, make sure that it's a clear layout, easy to read and eye-catching!

What are your top 5 make-up brands?
1) Maybeline
2) Rimmel

Recommend your top 5 beauty products
1)Maybeline- colossal volume express mascara,
2)Rimmel- stay matte powder,
3)MUA- heaven and earth eye-shadow palette,
4)Maybeline- baby lips cherry me,
5)Rimmel- wake me up foundation.

And anyone else who would like to do this tag!

Sarah x


  1. Beautiful blog!
    If you want, we can follow each other. Kisses

  2. This is great, thanks for the tag :D!
    Love your blog, new follower here :) xxx


  3. Thank you for tagging me lovely :) Enjoyed reading your answers! xx
